We are extremely ambitious for our staff and our learners. We will know that our schools are truly Transformational when the impact of their culture is such that their outcomes (not just academic) put them in the top schools nationally.

Our five ambitions for our children and young people in our schools are that they will become:

  • Highly aspirational and grow into confident and resilient young people
  • Great citizens who are values driven and understand their wider civic responsibilities to build a just world
  • Knowledgeable, expert and have a lifelong love of learning
  • Highly effective communicators; empowered to succeed
  • Future ready

All our schools provide the opportunities for our learners to secure the five ambitions both through the planned formal curriculum and extra-curricular (our personal development programme). The all-round development and education of our children and young people is incredibly important to us, and we work closely with families through highly developed Parental Partnerships to intrinsically motivate our learners to become the best version of themselves.

Our staff are the people that ‘unlock’ our children’s potential and make a difference to the lives of children and young people every single day. We will highly invest in them through bespoke training and coaching. We will have a clear people and talent management strategy, and our overall aim is for all staff to feel that they truly belong to a transformational school and trust.