Since 2011, Nova Education Trust has successfully supported schools of all phases to secure improved educational standards.
Our family is currently made up of 19 academies (six primaries, 12 secondaries and one sixth form college), which includes our two partner schools in the Madani Schools Federation in Leicester.
Our organisation has undergone a significant transformation in recent times and is now unrecognisable culturally, educationally, financially and in governance terms.
Educationally, we go from strength to strength. 87% of our academies are now judged by Ofsted as Good or Outstanding.
Our trust support and governance is strong, and has been externally recognised as amongst the best in the sector, and our organisation is financially stable. Back office functions have been completely reformed and centralised, there are robust systems and controls, and financially we post a year on year operating surplus.
We run a successful School Centred Initial Teacher Training (SCITT) programme making us a key player in the region by developing new teachers and providing training and development programmes for existing teachers and support/operational staff throughout their careers.
All our schools and operating units share the same mission, values, principles and ambitions and as one family we fundamentally believe that through collective action (collective efficacy) we are stronger together.
We understand and we believe that schools belong to their communities, the mission is the same but the vision may look different in our range of contexts and settings.
Through aligning around research-informed strategies, we all benefit from the best collective practice. Our shared collective efficacy at all levels and through aligning our practices we believe can positively influence the life chances and outcomes of all our learners.
Through clarity of alignment, we are liberated to innovate. The more we can align, the more we can support one another; we are only as strong as our weakest. Further alignment will always be about purpose not power — allowing us the economy and benefit of scale to meet our mission.
We are psychologically committed to our mission, values, ambitions and principles, and we are determined.