Strategic Leaders
The strategic leaders are responsible for driving the strategic vision of the trust. They review challenges and successes within the trust, so that we can continue to provide the highest quality of education and care to all our pupils.
Wider Team
Our staff are the people that ‘unlock’ our children’s potential and make a difference to the lives of children and young people every single day. We will highly invest in them through bespoke training and coaching. We have a clear people and talent management strategy and our overall aim is for all staff to feel that they truly belong to a transformational school and trust.
As well as aligning around what we believe creates transformational schools, we are also committed to celebrating the diversity in all of our schools; this is what makes our trust such a vibrant and dynamic organisation to work for.
Diversity is very important to us both in the value of individual diversity and in the composition and iteration of culture in our schools. Through being clear about our principles of alignment whilst valuing diversity, we can secure collective efficacy, and all can belong. Collective efficacy is important to us. It is not just what we align on, it is how we align, and this relates to our values.
We strongly believe that through working together, coaching for excellence and having confidence in ‘Team Nova’, we will have greater success. This belief is heartfelt, and evidence informed.
As such, we enjoy collaborative planning and practice in and for itself, however, we also know that working together as an effective team is the way that we will secure the best outcomes for our children and young people. It’s ‘bottom up’ and not ‘top down’.
Trust Leaders
Our Head Teachers support across the trust on their own areas of expertise.
Central Team
We want all our learners to receive an extensive and diverse range of opportunities, supported by the highest quality of teaching and care that enables them to thrive.
This does not just include education — our central team supports educational outcomes by providing expert support services that ensure the trust and our schools are compliant with statutory and legislative requirements.
Our central team covers a wide area of school operations:
- Finance
- People Team
- IT Support
- Data Services
- Health, Safety and Estates
- Governance and Compliance

Lisa Hackett
Director of Operations

Liam Dean
Head of IT

Sophie Gray
Head of People

Clare Pallatt
Head of Finance

Alex Sammut
Head of Health, Safety and Compliance

Lee Whotton
Head of Data